Use this Timeline to find out what was happening in England during Lewis Carroll's lifetime.
Some of the main events in his own life are listed below.

Click and drag the Timeline to move backwards and forwards through the years.
Click on any event to see more details.
Some buttons list more than one event in the same year. The date, if given, refers to the first event.
(If we only know the year, the date is given as '01 Jan'; if we only know the month, the date is given as '01')

Dates in the Life of Charles Dodgson / Lewis Carroll

1832 Born 27 January at the Parsonage, Daresbury, Cheshire. 3rd child (10 born here)
1843 Family moved to The Rectory, Croft-on-Tees, Yorkshire. (11th child born here)
1844 Went to Richmond School (aged 12). Boarded because 10 miles from home
1846 Started at Rugby School on his 14th birthday and stayed 3 years. Did not enjoy
1851 To Christ Church at Oxford University to study Classics and Mathematics
1855 Began career as lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church
1856 First use of writing name: Lewis Carroll. Took up photography
1860 Visited Daresbury to take photos of people and places he knew as child
1861 Ordained deacon in Church of England (but never became priest)
1862 July 4 famous picnic on river with Liddell girls, when Alice story first told
1865 Publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Macmillan. Very successful
1871 Publication of Through the Looking-Glass by Macmillan. Very successful
1877 Took summer holiday in Eastbourne. Used same lodgings almost every summer
1880 Gave up photography
1881 Gave up post at Christ Church (but not rooms). Continued writing
1898 Died at family home, The Chestnuts, in Guildford. Buried in The Mount Cemetery
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